
Hi, my name is Chiara, and you could say I’ve been on somewhat of a journey these last few years. But the truth is I’ve been on a path of self-discovery since the beginning. From a very young age, I had a deep desire to understand the world and my place within it. One of my first loves was astrology — I’m a Gemini sun, Pisces moon, and Aries rising by the way — and it proved to be a valuable system in understanding myself and my relationships.  


My other love for writing began when I was five, when I was gifted my first journal. Ever since then, I’ve been chronicling my life through various means, from long-abandoned blogs to being published in small Gen Z-run online zines. I ended up studying Media and Communications at the University of Sydney, with dreams of working in magazines and the publishing industry. Life, of course, didn’t turn out that way (yet).


Human Design found me in 2018 and I began my experiment sometime in 2019. For context, I am a 3/5 Emotional Projector. My approach to this system, like everything in life, has gone through a lot of trial and error to test what truly works. Ultimately, Human Design has led me to a place of self-empowerment by giving me a powerful tool for awareness. By learning how to trust my body and own internal guidance system, I feel equipped to navigate life with integrity as myself (a process which continues to unfold).


This does not mean I still don’t have ups and downs — life can be inherently challenging, messy, and chaotic. Such is the nature of being a human in a body. But even in the midst of the passing seas, I know how to weather the storm. I believe we all have the power to arrive at this place of deep self-trust. It can, however, take time, courage, and persistence to forge your own individual path. I do not have all the answers. But I can hold the space for you to discover them for yourself. So far, there is nothing I have found to be more rewarding.