The Dilemma Of Mind

Mind. The quintessential dilemma of being human. The constant mental pressure—70% of humanity has an open head centre—to take action on the material plane based on the mental anxieties and fears of survival. The irony being most of us are thinking about things don’t matter, trying to formulate strategies on how to “take charge of our lives” on things that don’t require it.


If you look at the body graph, there are no motors connected to the ajna or head centre. Think about that. We have all this pressure filtering in from the outside world and the only place it can potentially get to is the throat. And that’s not even a guarantee.


I remember the days when I was making mental decisions. God, it was rough. I wasted a lot of energy thinking about every minute and mundane decision I had to do every day, along with trying to plan for long-term decisions that were completely unnecessary as a quad-right.


Our entire lives are built on decision making. One at a time. This is what determines where we are, who we’re with, what we’re doing. It is such a profound simple truth. When people try to give long elaborate answers on what Human Design is, an “energetic blueprint” or a “roadmap on how to align with your energy”, really, the most practical way to describe it is decision-making. Ra was a pragmatic man, and he knew that the way to reach the most people was to simplify and simplify some more.


His intention was for it to travel as far down the fractal as humanly possible. Fractals are like telephone lines of communication. One person gets a reading, and they tell one friend. Then that friend tells someone else about it. And on it goes down the fractal line.


The more complicated message you begin with, the less likely it will be able to go very far. It gets broken up the further down it travels. “What is this Human Design thing? Oh, it’s about these subatomic particles called neutrinos which are filtering in from stars and imprinting our consciousness and therefore affecting how we operate in the illusion we call our lives.” Yeah right. It may be correct. But good luck getting that very far. By the time it reaches the end of the line, it becomes “I’m not really sure, some personality typing system I think”.


Life happens on the surface. People want the simple; they need it. For those of us who are submerged in the depths of studying this knowledge, you must remember not many are going to want to hear it. It is not for everybody. It’s not like they will understand what the hell you’re talking about anyway. You know the blank stare that comes across their face when you start rambling on. They’ve checked out and are thinking about what they’re making for dinner.


But it comes back to mind, understanding what mind really does to us, the distortion it creates in our lives. When the mind is clouded with decision-making, you cannot see properly. You can’t even see five feet in front of you. You are absolutely blind. What to do?


Human Design is built on two different sets of birth data. We have the Personality and the Design—the conscious and the unconscious—and when you bring those two together, something magical happens. It creates the illusion. These two disparate sets of information are held together by the monopole in the illusion of our separateness. It is this juxtaposition which makes up who we are.


The most important thing to understand is that we are a binary consciousness. We are not just Personality. We are not just a vehicle either—it is quite obvious there is something yakking away inside of us. But there is a fundamental duality within us. And everything is built on duality, on ‘this’ and ‘that’, this universe referred to as the “biverse” in Ra’s words.


Your Personality is a passenger. Your body is what inhabits the material world. Your body is the one living your life, from eating, sleeping, going to work, exercising, having sex, whatever. Your Personality is held captive, in a way, inside your mind. It desperately wants to control and do something about your life. It wants to dominate this vehicle. This is what leads to pain. It is filled with expectations and goals and desires which never seem to materialise the way it wants. And when it doesn’t go to plan, it will try to come up with another mental strategy to fix it. Humans are funny like that.


The mind is not designed to be both inner and outer authority. It cannot possibly do a good job of both. When we enter into the experiment, we remove inner authority from the mind and hand it over to the vehicle, to the body. If it’s the body that’s living out your life, it’s the body who should be making decisions for you.


If you are making mental decisions, then you are simply a conduit for the not-self, for your openness. It is hilarious we think we are in charge of our decisions on the mental plane.  Who do you think is making your decisions for you? Your open ego shouting “you better do this to prove yourself so you can avoid the frustration/bitterness/anger/disappointment”. Or your open sacral screaming “keep going, work harder, you don’t need a break. Show them how productive you are”. Look at all your open centres, or your bridging gates as a split definition, and you know how your mind operates. This is who is making decisions for you when your mind is an inner authority.


You can’t just stop mind. Mind will never stop trying to pull you in to making a decision. But it loses its power and grip if you are operating correctly, that is if you have surrendered to your unique inner authority laid out in your design.


Mind is not bad. In fact, your mind can become quite enjoyable when it is returned to its rightful place in the hierarchy. My mind keeps running its internal commentary, which can be quite amusing at times. It still loves to learn, read, and ponder interesting concepts and ideas. Mind still enjoys measuring things and weighing them up; don’t get me wrong, my mind will still “mull” over decisions. But it never gets the final say. I just tell it “Oh that’s interesting mind”. And then I let me body do what it wants to do.


A mantra I have found myself repeating over the last few months is “thoughts are just thoughts; you don’t have to act on them”. It brings me great comfort and peace of mind (no pun intended). Thoughts are just filtering by and passing through—they don’t always mean much of anything. In fact, they rarely do. As someone with an undefined mental system, I find it fascinating to watch what happens to my mind the moment I step into aura with someone with these centres defined. I walk away from that conversation thinking about all these ideas and problems which have been inserted into my head, none of which are even mine to begin with. Ah, the magic of awareness and understanding conditioning.


If you want the full experience of this experiment, the potential of living out your difference and uniqueness, you must let go of the mind. You have to release your attachment to what it says, to what it’s trying to convince you to do. And the only way to do that is through Strategy and Authority.


It really is the answer to everything. It is the medicine we have been searching for our entire lives. But it is no easy feat. If it were easy, well, we wouldn’t have the world that we do. So, it will always come back to you and your own process. We are in the business of Enlightened Selfishness after all.


Understanding Receptivity


A Third Line Experiment