Understanding Receptivity

I don’t think we can truly grasp the profundity of what it means to be right. Pop Human Design will brush off the left and right simply as being “structured” or “unstructured”, categorizing you into “specific” versus “non-specific” manifesters. It’s quite the joke when you start to read original source material on Variable, learning what it means in terms of cognitive families, cognitive architectures.


Rightness only emerged on this plane with the advent of Projectors since 1781. Every human born beforehand were purely strategic, all-left. We are currently in this hot, evolutionary melting pot of mutation, a mix of both left and right, gradually progressing towards the all-right and the oncoming of the rave children in 2027.


I am an agent of the future, being Projector and four-parts right. No part of me is connected to our seven-centred past; no bone in my body is strategic. I am quite literally alien to our understanding of what it means to be human. And yet, I am not rave either; I am the interregnum, the space between where we’re from and where we’re heading.


We understand collectively as a society there is something different emerging into the world. We call it being “right-brained”, someone who is geared towards creativity and abstract thinking. Yet, the only way we know how to describe rightness is through the lens of strategy — reports and studies talk about the “advantages” of creativity, how to use it for one’s own competitive gain.


But the right has no purpose. There is no agenda or reason. The left is rooted in the splenic binary and is concerned with survival. The right, associated with the solar plexus binary, do not have intelligence; they have existential awareness. Awareness is a frequency, the quality of presence or “it-ness”. It is different from intelligence, to the fear which generates various strategies in order to survive. The right couldn’t care less about survival; it is not their trip.


If you have a receptive mind, that is anyone with their Personality Sun/Earth fixed to the right (the top right arrow), life can be extremely painful before finding Human Design. You place immense pressure on yourself to remember the specific, only creating shame for having such “poor” memory when you can’t recall what you read yesterday. You try to think and think some more into mentally working out your problems, into finding a strategy because you were conditioned to believe you had to.


And the irony is that everything is there. Every book, every movie, every piece of information, every conversation, every experience — if you were present, you took it all in. You are not here to remember it and retrieve it on demand. This is the left — memory retrieval is incredibly fast for anyone who is strategically oriented. The payoff for them is they only take in the narrow details, whatever they honed their focus in on.


But the right is not about memory retrieval; the right is about storage. And it is storing information with no agenda, no reason, no discernment. You just take in, in, in. And the only way it will ever come out is through the other, through someone pulling it out of you.


You have absolutely no control over what comes out. I may want something specific to be drawn from my well, but it is entirely dependent on what the other is taking. You bring the mundane to my well, you will get the mundane. You bring idiots to my well, l become another idiot. You bring a genius to my well and suddenly, I appear to be brilliant.


I am a resource, literally designed to be taken advantage of. The information I store is not for me — it is to the benefit of whoever will pull from me in the future. Yet, I can only be a resource for others when I stop pretending to be left. I cannot fully embrace the gifts of my rightness unless I release the need to be strategic. And you can already guess there’s only one way I can do this: Strategy and Authority baby, the answer to everything.


Surrendering to the vehicle is the most natural thing in the world for those on the right. It is the only strategy we technically need; it is what literally saves us. We do not know how to survive. We can pretend we do by homogenising ourselves to fit into the strategic mould. But we must expend five times the effort to keep up with a strategic persona. It is utterly exhausting and debilitating.


This experiment, this process, is here to liberate the right so we can fully step into our power. We are designed to be in symbiosis with the left, them strategically pulling from our resources and us simply storing so we can deliver when necessary. We both have our roles. It is not about which is better or worse. The right can’t function and survive without the left. The left would lose all their depth and creativity without the right.  We are fundamentally different. We must encourage those on the right to embrace that difference.


I decided to stop taking notes on anything I studied around six months ago. And I have never retained as much information as I have now. The knowledge has literally become me. The cellular integration means that I just start synthesizing and regurgitating source material every time I open my mouth or put pen to paper. It is all there. I trust it is all there. The more I trust it, the more it becomes apparent there is more depth that I could even fathom, just waiting to be accessed. It is always a surprise and joy to see what comes out.


Receptivity must be nurtured. We must educate those on the right of their role. We must recognise them for what they are. And in that recognition, can we potentially get a glimpse of the real possibility of what our future holds.


Trust in Thy Inner Authority


The Dilemma Of Mind