Money and Survival Consciousness

Money. The topic we all love and hate to discuss. We don’t have enough of it. We want more of it. We completely obsess over it. We lose sleep over it. We make batshit crazy decisions over it. Most painful of all, we believe it can only come at the cost of sacrificing who we are.


Money equals resources and energy. Thus, money is symbolic of survival. We need enough material resources to live comfortably on this plane. Yet, there is vast inequality in the distribution of resources, where we have people like Jeff Bezos hoarding enough wealth to bring the entire planet out of poverty. It’s a not-self world, where we are money hungry, money starved, yet there is still never enough of it no matter how much we have in our bank accounts.


Human Design comes with no promises. Despite this fact, we see an awful lot of people in online spaces marketing how HD can be used to make money. They emphasise how to wield it to improve one’s business. They try to appeal by bragging about how they made 200K that month. They lure you in with ego promises of “manifesting abundance”, terms vague enough they could mean anything to any number of people.


These marketing tactics make it incredibly easy to spot Pop HD from legitimate Human Design. Because anyone with basic-level knowledge in this field would know we are in a new phase of human evolution, where we are no longer designed to be concentrated on survival.


The Seven-Centred Being and Survival Consciousness

In 1781, the last seven-centred human beings came onto the planet, who would populate the earth until the last died out approximately one hundred years later. Everyone born after 1781 is a nine-centred rave, homo sapiens in transitus. As much as we look the same and think we are the same as our predecessors, we are not. We inhabit these new Uranian bodies, our life spans now averaging out to around 84 years. We have a completely different purpose and evolutionary track to what our seven-centred relatives were on, who long reached the peak of adulthood by the time they got to Saturn Return.


But it was our relatives who built the backbone of our society today. Our institutions, our governing bodies, our educational structures, our ways of life are still rooted in what is fundamentally seven-centred consciousness.


The seven-centred being represents the zenith of what it meant to be human. Strategic, survival-oriented, killer monkeys who came to conquer and destroy. Of course, we have a lot to thank them for so we can’t totally deny what they brought to our species. They represent the epitome of Mind — the Ajna binary — with strategic thinking allowing humans to rise to the top and dominate the food chain. Nothing could touch us. We eliminated the nature of all threats and became the apex predator. 


But then came the mutation. The emergence of Rightness and the advent of Projectors has meant that we are fundamentally reorienting ourselves away from survival consciousness. This was our seven-centred past; as nine-centred beings, our purpose is far greater than merely surviving on the material plane.


We Are Here For Communion & Self-Reflected Consciousness


We have already figured out survival. We came, conquered, and destroyed: been there, done that. Now, in these nine-centred vehicles, we are designed to commune with the other. We are here to experience self-reflected consciousness in form, our capacity to share unique outer authority. We are here to enjoy being the passenger in a physical body that is so intelligent it runs all by itself. We never have to think about breathing or how to regulate our internal temperature. The body has a life of its own, this machine just keeps on kicking on its own accord.


The crux of Human Design is understanding that our bodies have their own unique consciousness; we operate within a binary and our personality has no say in how to run this bio-form. They are simply the passenger coming along for the ride in this vehicle.


We could have incarnated as a dog or a tree or a blade of grass. And yet, our personality crystal won the lottery and can experience this amazing capacity to self-reflect, to communicate, to measure, to learn. Whilst the life of a dog seems simple and appealing at times, I would never trade in my vehicle for theirs. This neocortex of mine, when not directed at making mundane personal decisions, is remarkable and is what separates us from all other life forms on the planet.


We are not here to waste all our precious energy on thinking about survival and how to make money. It is why Human Design emerged at the time it did, to assist us in navigating what it means to exist in a nine-centred vehicle.


Strategy and Authority Is Here To Liberate You

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I don’t think people realise how powerful Strategy and Authority really is. They are the first two pieces of information we hear when we come to this knowledge and are enough for us to experiment for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in learning all the details and forget it’s the practical application that will change everything.


Strategy and Authority is about aligning the vehicle and returning the power of decision-making to its rightful place: the body. Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher from the 4th century BC, had lamented humanity’s loss with the natural world order, a by-product of seven-centred consciousness and the obsession with mind. Well now, 6000 years later, we finally have the tools to free ourselves from the anxiety of mentally trying to figure out how to survive. We have transcended it.


Your physical body is what occupies the material world. Your personality and mind is not your body. It’s not. Strategy and Authority are the fundamental keys to navigating the material plane. These are the tools that take care of our material needs, that allow us to not only survive but be comfortable enough to have the space to self-reflect.

Of course, surrendering to the power of S&A is no easy feat: it requires letting go of this incessant quest to dominate through acquiring absurd amounts of material resources for security.  It asks us to release the obsession we have been indoctrinated with of valuing ourselves based on financial achievement.

It demands a certain level of trust, a trust that can only be built over time, decision by decision. But until you are ready to commit to it, until you courageously let go of the material desires you think you want, your mind will continue to fear for your survival and convince you to act based on those fears.


You Get Exactly What You Need, But Not Necessarily What You Want


Whilst Human Design comes with no promises, it doesn’t mean you won’t become financially wealthy. It could be your path of geometry to reach high levels of material success. Maybe you are here to earn 200K a month in sales. Maybe you are here to own a jet plane or a yacht. I don’t know, I don’t care.


But money is not the point because survival is not the point. Strategy and Authority is designed to give you exactly what you need. But it won’t necessarily be what you think you want.


Most of us believe that once we reach a certain level of material wealth, we will finally be satisfied with what we have. And yet, regardless of whether you are involved in Human Design or not, we know this is not true. Subjective wellbeing does not increase once you reach a certain financial threshold, around 75K according to an often-cited 2010 Princeton study.


When you operate as your own authority, your body will literally guide you towards what you need and keep you away from what you don’t. In my own experience, honouring my emotional authority has meant I simply buy a lot less than I used to because I wait out my wave. I’ve stopped listening to anything outside of me who says I need to have this or that, instead waiting for my own clarity and my own truth to emerge.


Mind is literally the conduit for the not-self. How can you expect it to make a rational decision based on your needs? Even if your mind manages to manifest what you want, it often leads to disappointment regardless because it has absolutely no idea what your body is really calling for. It can’t and it never will.


You Can’t Put a Price On Uniqueness

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. We are all incredibly unique aspects of consciousness who are here to express our differences.

You can’t put a price on that. If you must mould, shape, or modify who you are to make money, then you are being conditioned by the homogenised world.

The real joy of radically living your design is that you get paid to be yourself. You don’t have to mentally pick from some standardised list of careers or jobs at your career advisor’s office. You don’t have to model your business or brand on anybody else in your industry. You are the only person you can model your life on. There is no comparison; you don’t fit into any one box society has decided to place you in.  


Your uniqueness is priceless. There is nobody like you that has ever existed; the world desperately needs you to own that. We don’t need another homogenised lifestyle coach regurgitating the same old seven-centred garbage. We don’t need another template-one-size-fits-all version of how to achieve financial abundance. We need you to live out YOU. We need more people living out the beauty inherent in radically embodying one’s true nature. 


You’re Here to Live Your Signature

live your signature

If you are going to evaluate yourself based on how much money you make, you will forever be caught in the measuring game. The mind loves to measure; it’s what it’s good at, it’s what our seven-centred strategic ancestors mastered. But you can never win the measuring game when it comes to money. It’s not what we’re here for as nine-centred beings.


You are here to live your signature. If a Generator is earning six figures a year but is frustrated and miserable as hell, then what’s the point? If a Projector has reached their idea of financial success but is working themselves into burnout, was it really worth it? A Manifestor being told what to do, or a Reflector being in a work environment they hate, is sacrificing one’s signature really going to make you content with your life?


You can’t put a price on your signature. You can’t measure your signature. Our signature is what we are all looking for deep, deep, deep inside of us. We think it’s the money that will bring us that. But it’s not.  It’s living as yourself.


To give a cliché analogy, when you are on your deathbed, you are not going to be thinking about how much money you made or how you wish you could’ve made more of it. You can’t take money to the grave. You will think about the quality of your relationships and whether you lived a life for you or for somebody else. If you are going to live a life for money, you will always be living for someone else, for a future that may never come or an expectation that will never be satisfied. 


You Can’t Go Looking For It; It’s There For You. 

Most of those who come to Human Design are seekers, who have been searching their entire lives for meaning and answers. I know I have — I’ve tried just about every new-age system or philosophy on the market (I am a third line after all, here to tell you what works and what doesn’t. *Hint: the new age shit didn’t work). 


And whilst the seeking did lead to a lot of new discoveries, it never brought me the sense of completion and fulfilment that I so desperately craved. There was always something missing, a new desire, a new experience, curse the darn Human Experiential Way


Money is just one of those things that the seven-centred world thrives on glorifying. The conditioning is so dense it has convinced every single one of us that making more money will provide the answers to everything. The pull can be so strong it becomes the main driving force underlying all the decisions that we make. It leads us astray; we miss the whole point of this movie. 


I’m not trying to say that desiring money is bad, that money is the root of all evil or any other moral judgment. I am trying to guide people away from survival consciousness, from money being the sole focus of whatever endeavour they wish to embark on. We are more than that. We deserve more than that. We have earned our rights to exist and flourish in a nine-centred vehicle. 

Everything in life is there for you. Human Design teaches us we don’t have to go looking for it. We have to stop searching. We have to stop the comparison. We have to stop making decisions rooted in fear. 

Instead, we need to start living.  


The Intellectual Pursuit Of Knowledge


My Love for Individual Circuitry