The Intellectual Pursuit Of Knowledge

In 2018 when I first stumbled across Human Design — or more accurately, it banged into me as a third line — I struggled to find information. I think it’s natural for all Projectors to want to investigate something new, and as someone who had always been a fiend for “personality typing” systems, I was curious to find out more.

I didn’t find much. A few blogs scattered across the internet, Jovian which I felt resistant to because it didn’t fit my new-age aesthetic, and a handful of textbooks. I was disappointed; I come from an astrology background and I suppose I was trying to understand Human Design through that lens. I also was a hypocrite and expected all the knowledge to be available for free online. It didn’t make any sense to me.

(By the way, all necessary information you need to begin your experiment is easily accessible for free.)


I always say I am not sure when I entered the experiment, because I never made a conscious decision to do so. It just happened, and well, here I am.


I am an intellectual (open ajna/head here). Ra would actually joke that the problem with all his students was that they were too smart. They were so smart they were dumb. The Human Design System is a vast body of knowledge that could satisfy anyone’s intellectual pursuits until the end of time. But the pursuit of knowledge is not the point. It’s endlessly fascinating — I find myself walking down cosmology rabbit holes which are interesting, but kind of useless in application.


Human Design is not a personality profiling system. It can never account for one’s life experiences. It can show you the mechanics of how you filter life itself, how the body experiences life. But it does not categorise (or homogenise) you into a personality construct.


You will never understand Human Design until you live it. You must live your type. You must experiment with reclaiming your own authority. You will begin to resonate at a different frequency — the correct frequency — which brings down a barrier in the maia you couldn’t see through before. Suddenly, you are able to find more information on design. Or the resources and information you need find YOU.

It is so easy to get stuck mentally when studying this system. But you cannot learn it from an intellectual standpoint alone. You could give somebody access to every branch of this knowledge and if they are not experimenting, and if they are not ready, it’s absolutely useless. They won’t understand a god damn word they read or listen to.


In my first (and only) reading I got at the end of 2019, I asked her if she could speak on my quad-rightness, to which she said she didn't know a lot, but would send me a booklet of lectures which was called ‘Variables That Which Binds Us’. I remember opening it up, reading the first paragraph, and thinking “what the hell is this guy even talking about”. I literally could not comprehend it. I put it away and forgot about it.


Around five months ago, after radically deciding to surrender to my strategy and authority and give up on everything else, I opened up that series of lectures again. I read the entire thing in a day. Whoosh, in it went into my internal library. It all made complete sense. I thought it was absolute genius.


If you are finding it difficult to get through specific parts of the knowledge or certain lectures, you are not ready. Nothing else to do. You may be ready at a certain point; you may not be. It is about cellular body integration. To go to professional analyst school with IHDS, the degree is three and a half years, even though the information could be given in a year and a half.


The extra time is purely for integration purposes. If I’m going to be heretical here, I’d say becoming a “Human Design Reader” in anything less than two years is folly. You don’t have enough embodied experience of your own. The rush and competition is purely not-self behaviour — focus on living your design, and if you are meant to get there, it will happen without conscious effort.


You must understand that nothing else matters if you are not living out your type. If you are someone working in this industry, remember that the readings or sessions you have with people is partly giving information, but mostly transmitting it through your frequency, the embodiment of your design. If you are not living your design and you are reading people’s charts, boy, does that ever feel off to them.

The ideas we have of “knowledge is power” is fundamentally seven-centred, a concept belonging to our human predecessors. As nine-centred beings, this needs to be corrected to “knowledge is just information”. We know that knowledge cannot help you alone. We live in a world where we have never had more access to information in our history. Yet, if that’s all we needed, then hell, we would all be enlightened and wouldn’t need any of this. But we can’t fix the mind with more mind. We can only bypass it through accessing our body’s intelligence.


So really, I can understand why Ra was so pissed off with his intellectual students who couldn’t seem to grasp the practicality of this system. This is where the magic is, in living this out. This is our chance; finally, our personality crystals of consciousness can just enjoy this ride in this vehicle.

But you have to grab this experiment by the horns and really do it. There is no other way. It takes courage — you have to be someone who has always been really weird and abnormal to begin with — but it doesn’t take “smarts”. This is for everyone; awareness is our birthright. So go ahead and claim it.   


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