Personal vs. Transpersonal Destiny

Profile is related to our Role and Purpose in life — our grander “mythology.” It operates beyond the mundane characteristics of a chart, taking on an almost “mythological” story. Each profile represents a different geometry, a different movement through time and space, how we meet life and how life meets us.


One of the most significant differences is through the Angle of your profile: whether you are Right Angle and have a Personal Destiny, or you are Left Angle and have Transpersonal Destiny. Juxtaposition is the bridge between the two and resides in neither category (fixed fate).

Right Angle

1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6



Left Angle

5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3

When you are a Right Angle profile, you have a self-directed destiny that is naturally self-absorbed. Personal Destiny is not dependent on other people to fulfil their purpose — it’s going to unfold regardless of who’s in their life. They create their own karma through an orientation and movement in life which is fundamentally “selfish”. This isn’t a bad thing. All it means is that their destiny is inherently personal — it is about them.


Someone will either resonate with their self-directed destiny, or not. Others will weave in and out of their lives based on this resonance. This can make the Right Angle more resilient to the transient nature of relationships. It can also make it hard to accommodate towards others as their direction and purpose in life is not tied to anyone else.


Right Angle profiles are born with fresh eyes, ready to discover who they are and what their life is about by experiencing the world through a personal lens. They are alone in this process; they have to figure life out for themselves. This means that every relationship they enter into, every experience they encounter, they are there for their own personal process. This operates beyond the level of one’s conscious awareness.


The Left Angle has an entirely different orientation towards life — they come into the world with a Transpersonal Destiny, a destiny that is directly tied to the people they meet. They do not come in with a fresh slate ready to experience it all for themselves. They come in with jobs to fulfil and a responsibility to help the other — whether they’re a 5th line who must get their message across and provide a practical solution. Or they’re a 6th line who is a natural role model by being a unique example of themselves.


They know that no relationship they enter into is mundane — they recognize that each person has a significant reason for being in their life, whether they are aware of it or not. It’s not as easy to discard a relationship when it doesn’t work out because there is always baggage attached. It always comes with the potential of scarring when old karma cannot be cleared.


Approximately 65% of people are born into a Right Angle profile. Thus, the dominant conditioning on the planet is to go out there and create your own karma, to do it all for yourself. But this is not true for the Left Angle. They are not here to just do it for themselves. They might feel a sense of emptiness — a lack of purpose — without their connection to the other. They need the right allies in their life to fulfil their transpersonal role. This is how they make their contribution to the evolution of collective consciousness.


On the contrary, the Right Angle can feel a sense of emptiness when they abandon their purpose for other people. Their contribution to the totality is fulfilled when they selfishly align to their own destiny.


Neither orientation towards life is better nor worse: just different. The most important thing to remember — regardless of Angle — is that Purpose is not something you find: it finds you. Your only job as a passenger is to watch it unfold.

The Juxtaposition profile (4/1) has a “fixed fate” which is neither Personal nor Transpersonal. Every Juxtaposition cross is named after their Personality Sun gate — this is what they are here to be “fixed” on. Their movement through life operates down this very fixed, singular, and narrow line. They are not here to be influenced by others and stand alone from every other profile.


The Channel of Recognition (41-30)


The Power of 4th Lines