The Channel of Recognition (41-30)

for the dreamers. for those who have the power to conjure rich and magical fantasies. for the individuals who have a desire and thirst to experience it all. for those who know the crash after an experience is over. for those who feel the pain when expectations are not met. for the people who have a story to share with the collective. for the individuals who have gone through the school of hard knocks and emerged with wisdom on the other side.

Don’t rush your emotional process.

Don’t let others pressure you into making a rash decision just to please them.

Don’t let your mind jump the gun because it wants to alleviate your nervousness (it won’t.)

Don’t let the boredom push you prematurely into a decision before you’re ready.

Allow yourself to feel the burning, to taste the desire for something new, to traverse the realm of your imagination and wander the forests of fantasy. It’s okay to romanticize it all. It’s okay to be hungry for the next experience. It’s okay to be lost in potential for a while. But wait for the intensity to pass. Wait for the heat to cool.

It might not feel as exciting to wait. It might not be as sexy, or spontaneous, or romantic. But it comes with the gift of clarity. The clarity of knowing that whatever happens, you’re in for the ride. The clarity of knowing this experience could turn out nothing like you expected, and still be okay with it. The emotional bandwidth to know you still want to take the risk anyway, even when there are no promises it will match your projected fantasy.

would you still want to go through with it then? would you still want to have the experience for the sake of having the experience? even when it comes laden with unknowns of how it could turn out?

This is not an intellectual process; this the realm of deep deep feeling. It’s not logical or rational. It won’t always make sense.

You’re here to collect a vast range of experiences. You’re here to learn through the trial and tribulations of what an experience brings. Only in retrospect — after the experience is complete, which could be weeks, months, or even years later — can you glean the lessons it brought to you. Only after you have gone through the entirety of your emotional process — after the waves have risen and crashed and gone back out to sea again — do you know what it was all for.

The fates smile down at you. They grin like the Cheshire cat who winks at Alice in the woods. You have no idea what’s in store along your path. You have no idea what experiences life will bring to you nor when. That’s where the magic lies. In the river of not knowing. In the acceptance the current will pull you wherever you need to go. Savour it. Marinate in every flavour of the wave you can. Don’t fight it.

You can desire an infinite range of experiences depending on the lens of your emotional wave. But not all of them are here to be fulfilled. What you desire during the highs might not be what you crave amidst the lows. Only through patience do you know what is worth waiting for, what you still burn for throughout the changing tides of your wave. When you rush the process and jump into an experience before clarity arrives, you might be left feeling hollow after it’s over as you realize this was not it.

I know you’re restlessness. I know waiting sounds like hell when the desire is so strong you feel you might combust. But your depth comes from the ability to pause in the space of “what could be,” to feel each layer of your emotional wave, and to take your time before committing to something new. This is a form of self-respect. The correct experiences are here to nourish you; they will be rich with lessons and individual truths for you to process. They are worth waiting for — and they will wait for you.


The Channel of Community (37-40)


Personal vs. Transpersonal Destiny