The Channel of Community (37-40)

The 37-40 is known as the Channel of Community, connecting two very powerful motors together: the Solar Plexus (emotions) to the Ego (willpower). These gates are opposite each other in the wheel, Gate 37 being the gate of affection and friendship, Gate 40 of denial and aloneness. Thus, there is a constant tension between the need for friendship and the affection of the tribe, versus the demands of the ego to rest and be left alone.

This is the design of “a part seeking a whole” — these people are looking to find their place within the group, the tribe, and larger community. But it’s not just any community which will do. They have to feel personally recognized and invited into the community, like they belong and are wanted there. The tribal frequency demands that hands be shaken and bread be broken together. It is the opposite of impersonal. The tribe does not respond to the impersonal in the same way the collective can thrive through impersonal sharing.

The 37th gate in the emotional centre is filled with the emotional warmth and loyalty to be a good friend. They will love and support you once you are accepted into their tribe and inner circle. But they also carry the fear of tradition. They are afraid of being locked into certain roles or responsibilities, and thus can feel nervous about entering into friendship. This is why they must wait for emotional clarity to know who they can support with love and friendship, or not.

The 40th gate in the ego says, “hang on, hang on, what’s in it for me?” They are not just going to make bonds with anyone; they need a bargain of reciprocity. The 40th gate is about the love of work — working for the tribe, for the bargain, for the emotional health of the community. But it doesn’t want to work. It has to be a really good deal for the ego to want to get up and use it’s willpower. Otherwise, the 40th gate will say “no, go away. I don’t have the energy to work for you.

37-40s have a gift of recognizing what is a good deal, what is a fair bargain. Everything in life is seen as an exchange of energy. Everyone who has this channel in their design will have emotional authority. Thus, only through waiting for emotional clarity can awareness emerge of what bargains are correct for them. When they make decisions at the extreme ends of their wave, they may find themselves feeling bitter as they realize this was not the deal they thought it was. This is likely because they were not clear on what the terms of the bargain were in the first place.

This channel has been part of the background frequency of this current Global Cycle for the last 400 years — we have all been conditioned under this frequency whether it’s natal to your design or not. During this cycle, the energy of the world has been about friendship, love, loyalty, the tribe, and bargains. “Love thy neighbour” is the ultimate phrase of the 37-40. But the background frequency is changing and this glue is disintegrating on a collective level.

We can see how the nature of relationships are changing, moving from tribal loyalty into a very individualistic, selfish frequency. We are moving away from wanting to sacrifice our needs for our friends, family, work, the tribe, to wanting to be empowered to be oneself. This isn’t a bad thing nor to be resisted. However, there is no going back to a world where tribal affection and support is guaranteed. We are currently in transition as a collective, learning how to adapt to being busy and empowered in our own survival in the now (the 34-20).

Despite the Global Cycle changing, everyone who carries this channel in their design will always need to honor the bargain. They will get their needs met when they follow their S&A, entering into bonds or agreements which allow them to receive as much as they give. This channel is part of the mystical stream in the body graph, acting as a bridge between the tribe and the individual. The mystical is thus not ethereal, intangible, nor mental. It is grounded in the mundane, in the bonds and bargains we make in life with those we love.

These people will always be navigating the tension between the need for friendship and the need to be alone. Neither side can be neglected. When the pendulum swings too far in either direction, their emotional wellbeing will be affected. Those with this channel are the ones who are most aware of when the bargain is mutually beneficial and fair, according to their own values and principles. When honored, their love and support can deeply nourish those around them.


5th Lines and Projections


The Channel of Recognition (41-30)