Projectors Are A Valuable Commodity

The awareness and guidance of a Projector is a valuable commodity that does not deserve to be shared all the time. The overextension of your awareness and perspective establishes a standard that others will expect it from you for free. This only sets up an unhealthy and vicious cycle of over-giving, receiving nothing, and deep, deep bitterness.


Bitterness is a Projector chemistry they will never be devoid of entirely. And yet, when there is a surplus of bitterness it becomes corrosive. It seeps into every area of life. A lack of recognition for a Projector is death; the catch 22 presents itself when there is recognition but no material compensation. The dependency on the recognition to feel seen. The bitterness that you feel used.


The Projector power lies in being discerning with how much they share, when they share, and who they share their awareness with, in terms of what they see. It is about establishing your own value as a means of self-respect. It is about charging fairly for your guidance. It is about not responding to anything that does not give you the recognition you deserve.


The danger for the Projector is to live a life full of compromise. To not trust in the power of their aura. If you cannot wait for the real recognition, then what chance do you have? Will you settle for the scraps, the half breadcrumbs of recognition which seems to be enough to get you through the night? Can you wait for the recognition that speaks directly to the core of who you are?


The invitation is necessary to access energy. Projectors need to be given energy in exchange for what they do. Without it, they are running on empty. They are relying on motors which do not regenerate like the sacral, if they have any at all. They are depleting themselves, allowing others to mine them for rare minerals like the way corporations mine the earth.


Everything is this and that, and whilst the Projector is the only Type with the signature theme of “success”, the other side of the binary is failure. And failure is a feeling that lingers when a Projector is not living out their nature, when they are conditioned to be super-slave Generators. Learning to wait as a Projector is what breaks these conditioned patterns; waiting is both an incubation and preparation period. There is no such thing as an overnight success.


During the waiting period, the Projector learns the value of their worth. The process is achingly slow for Projectors, it’s just the way it is. During this space they must master their craft and master the other. If they do not understand the other, they will never be aware, and they will never understand themselves. It is only through revealing what happens to them in aura with others – the dense conditioning field they absorb — will they finally understand how different they are. And how much there is to see in that interaction with the other, the bedrock of awareness.


Becoming a Projector comes before success. You cannot taste the success you were born to receive until you live out your nature. You cannot use cheat codes or shortcuts. There is no fast lane for you.


How patient can you be, in a world which glorifies instant gratification and having everything now?


How grounded can you be in your own process, when everything around you is trying to pull you away from it?


Are you ready for real Projector success? Or are you going to cave and go back to being a faux Manifestor/Generator and the exhaustion that comes with that?


As guides, as a Type which is on the ascendency coming into the new era, the Projector role is going to become more and more valuable. It is going to be harder to find in times coming when the cycle shifts out of the drive for occult knowledge and inner truth. How are people going to know what to do when the background frequency is rooted in the 34-20, a power and busyness that has no awareness? How are others going to know where to place their energy when there is a lack of institutional authority telling them what to do?


Projectors — do not underestimate yourself. Do not assume for a minute that your intellectual awareness and guidance is cheap or disposable. Do not forget that you set the standards for how others will interact with you, not the other way around. If you treat yourself like shit, others will only do the same. It is time you took a hard look at yourself and where you are giving excess energy away for free. It is never something you can afford to do without the price of bitterness. 


The Toughest Profile: 3/5


Generators are the Holy Type