Generators are the Holy Type

I have an affinity for Generators. The more I understand and witness their power of acting in response, the more I am in awe of their nature.


Generators are literally the holy type, the chosen type, the type who have the capacity to wake up in a moment. As a Projector, I am jealous. We have this long gruelling process that involves years of studying and mastering our craft before we can even get a taste of success. But for the Generator? Satisfaction is available in a moment. It is almost too simple for it to be taken seriously.

*When I use the term “Generator” in this article, I am referring to both pure Generators and Manifesting-Generators. Anybody who has a defined sacral is classified as a Generator or sub-type of Generator and thus operates according to the same mechanical strategy.

I am going to say it right now: just because you are the dominant type on the planet in terms of population (70%~), that does not take away from your uniqueness. No two Generators are ever the same. You all share a mechanical strategy but that does not take away from your life experiences, what you’re passionate about, your very specific definition.


So if you’re a Generator, please let go of the bullshit narrative that “oh, I’m a Generator so I’m not special”. The denigration of types is a seven-centred phenomenon — yes, we are all very different in our aura and our strategy, yet we all have a role to play that is just as necessary as the other.


I mean, theoretically, Generators are the most important type. You could get rid of all the non-sacral beings on the planet and life would keep going just fine. It might be chaotic without the initiation of a Manifestor, the guidance of a Projector, or the observations given by the Reflector. But the life force of this planet comes from the Generator alone. The sacral centre is where all life is generated out of, fertility both sexually, creatively, and otherwise.


What does this say about life? It says that life is fundamentally rooted in response. To wait and re-act in response to one’s environment. Life is not about acting and initiating (leave that to the Manifestors). It is this perfect symbiosis of being in tune with one’s environment and allowing life to deliver to you.  


It is unfortunate that the majority of Generators suffer from Manifestor disease. They have been raised being told what to do, that they must go out there and “make it happen” and as a result, they suffer from immeasurable frustration. We live on a frustrated planet, the Generator enveloping aura taking us all in with them. Coming to Human Design, we can be so entrenched in the not-self that the concept of “waiting” seems absolutely absurd. But I guarantee it’s probably the one thing you haven’t tried.


The ability of the sacral centre to communicate in sounds — the “uh-huh”, “uh-uh”, or “mhmmmms” — gives the Generator constant and reliable access to their own truth. It is so perfect. But that darn pesky mind! It gets in the way. It does not trust in waiting and will act prematurely on ideas on what it thinks it wants. The truth is you have no idea what is good for your body and what you want. You can only know that through response.

*Caveat: your response as a Generator may not always come through sounds and this is where your own experiment comes in. It may be an energetic opening or closing, a gut pull, or your body moving towards something or someone (or not). It may feel like an expansion or contraction in your sacral. However it comes through for you, it will always respond before your mind comes in with reasoning and justification for what it thinks you should do.

“Know thyself” is the inscription on the Temple of Apollo for the Oracle of Delphi. This is the mantra for the Generator. Everything, EVERYTHING, is about honouring your sacral response. I know it’s not easy. The mind will speak through the open centres and bridging gates, overriding the simplicity of one’s response.


You respond “uh-uh” to helping your friend move houses, but your mind will come in and say “no, you must be a good friend! It will upset them if you say no”. Or perhaps your body responds “uh-huh” to eating meat, but you’ve been vegan for five years so your mind will say “no, no, no, meat is bad for the environment and terrible for animal welfare!”


It is downright terrifying to trust in your response, to trust in that initial gut feeling. Of course, if you’re emotional, you have another layer of trusting that what is for you will wait for you, because no one deserves access to you in the moment. But you must remember: your mind has no idea how your sacral works, you cannot rationalise it or make sense of it. So you have to surrender. You have to learn to let go. You have to radically honour your sacral yes’s and sacral no’s because nobody else is going to do it for you.


This is your life! And you have to be selfish with what you do with it because it is the only way you will ever be satisfied. The Generator power is magnetic. It is powerful. Everybody wants a piece of it. You got to have strong-ass boundaries when it comes to saying NO and raw courage when it comes to saying YES.


But the most important piece of advice I can give, especially when it comes to the early years of your experiment, is to wait. Learn to truly wait and master the art of patience. Because you cannot see the magic of your life when you are too busy running around like a headless chicken trying to make things happen. You will never see the beauty of what or who happens to be there when your mind is busy strategizing about what you’re going to do next.


Waiting to respond is not a death sentence. It is what will liberate you. And the reality is you’re constantly responding — you respond to a text message, to a conversation, to the birds chirping outside. You are getting constant feedback and stimulus from the world around you. There is no lack of things for you to respond to.


When a Generator acts in response, there is no limit to what can be created. So if you’re a Generator, recognise your power. Bow down and respect response like an almighty god (or goddess). Recognise you are the ones that build the world around us. You have the power to change that.

But it begins with yourself. There is no other way. Let go, surrender, and trust in what your body already knows.


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