The Closing of the Door

The door is closing in 2027 if it hasn’t closed already (Ra often stated it closed in 2006). This is not a doomsday apocalypse story — I am not here to rouse fear. That rarely helps. I am simply talking about a change that’s taking place. Change is uncomfortable and disorientating, no matter what scale it’s experienced on. Imagine then, the level of disorientation that arises when we have been living in the same cycle for over 400 years for it to disappear overnight.

It’s not just you who carries this background frequency in your cells. It’s your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, your great-great-grandparents, going all the way back to 1615 who have generationally passed on the Cross of Planning through your bloodline.


So the changing of the cycle is a big deal. As the precession of the equinox moves backwards, it begins in a sixth line phase and then progressively moves towards the first line foundation at the end of the cycle. This is the culmination and the glory of the Cross of Planning — more human beings are alive today on the planet than all human history. We live in megalopolises — cities as large as 30 million people — without somehow killing each other. Standards of living have risen exponentially. The bargain of the 37-40 means that people show up to work because they’re “contracted” to do so. All for the benefit of the community.


Think about what life was like before 1615 — it was not very pleasant, nor did people live very long. Poverty, the threat of disease, lack of hygiene all were very common death sentences (not saying they aren’t today in some places, but on a global average this has greatly reduced). But of course, people born into that cycle didn’t know any different. They were just used to living it out because that was the background frequency and was considered “normal”. Likewise, we’re just used to living in the Cross of Planning because this is what we assume is “normal”.


This is not the first time that the Cross of Planning ruled the Global Cycle in this round (starting approx. 16,000 BC). But it is the last time it will be. And what we see is the absolute perfection of knowledge and truth being available on a scale that has never been seen before, considering we have made it to the first line foundation. This is the “Return to Eden” — a time of great discovery and revelation: a time to find the source.

apologies for the tiny writing — but you should get the idea of the spiralling between cycles and epochs, the repetition of crosses.

Not every cycle is rooted in a plethora of knowledge being available. We have had dark ages throughout history, and we are arguably about to enter another dark age. “Dark” is only in relation to our own perspective on periods of history and especially for those who will witness this transition. People born into this cycle will not perceive it as “dark”. Likewise, people who lived in prior dark ages did not perceive it to be “dark” — life just was what it was.


There are two crosses that govern every cycle. The Cross of Planning is what most of us are familiar with, based on the locks of the Vessel of Love. The other cross of this cycle is the Cross of the Maya, based on the locks of the Sphinx. The Cross of the Sphinx is about our evolutionary direction, the Cross of the Maya symbolic of humanity’s ability to master the “maya” and the material plane. It is also about the completion and ending of cycles.


One of the most important keys to this era is the 61st gate, the gate of “inner truth”. The hexagram is structured with two yang lines on top, two yang on the bottom, enclosing two yin lines in between — this is the pressure to find truth that emerges in the space in between. It is individual and it is mutative.

Above the line it reads, the awareness of underlying principles. Given we are in a first line phase, which began at the beginning of the 1960s, the 61.1 has the line of “occult knowledge”. The pressure to know the mysteries through esoterics (Neptune exalted). Or where the pressure to know the mysteries can be so strong that one can be eventually incapable of handling exoteric realities (Venus in detriment).  This is part of the Eden mechanism. This is where we see the full breadth of information and knowledge being dispersed into the world.


The 60s saw the birth of the New Age movement and this vast interest in esoterica and mystery (although this started much earlier, it intensified during these times). If we look at the last 60 years and the amount of discovery, development, and innovations we have made as a species, it is unbelievable. The system of Human Design could only be revealed in this era of truth. The internet becoming widespread in the 90s has given us all access to so many truths it’s overwhelming — it is not possible to go through every page on your Google search because it would take hundreds if not thousands of years.  


This is the time to get it. To find truth, to discover the foundation. Because once this cycle changes, truth is no longer going to be interesting. The door is closing on our ability to find answers. If there isn’t an answer found before 2027 and the changing of the cycle, we won’t find it. The myth of continuous development and innovation is just that, fantasy. It is not viably possible — particularly with depleting natural resources and a changing climate — to keep innovating and discovering until the end of the time.


Truth will only come through fractals. There will be no more interest in discovering truth for the “benefit of the community”. Truth today is used to serve the collective. But there will be few collective gates in this upcoming cycle. There is no logic at all — say goodbye to relying on predictable patterns and a “certain” future. Say hello to living existentially and selfishly focusing on your own survival.


We can see how the pressure has only been increasing as we move closer to 2027. Human Design gains in popularity every day as more and more people seek answers. It is my perspective that people are increasingly moving away from watered-down versions of the system because they do not carry the same frequency or weight of truth. I personally discovered Human Design through the billion-dollar self-development industry but happened to bump into the right fractal which led me to the source.


But the door is not only closing on this era of inner truth and knowledge seeking. It is closing on the development of humanity as a species. “The Program”, aka the neutrino feed coming from the stars and the control mechanism of the four corners filtered by the moons of Jupiter, has been supporting humanity’s evolution for the last couple of hundred thousand years, likely since Cro-Magnons started to walk the earth and push out the Neanderthals.


We are a transitional species, emerging on the planet in 1781 as the first nine-centred beings. We are how we get from this to that, from Cro-Magnon to Rave. Thus, we are a blend of leftness and rightness. But the Program is more interested in the coming Rave. Humanity’s flowering is over with the death of the Human Experiential Way.


This is end knowledge, not beginning knowledge. When Ra had his encounter with the Voice, the title he was given “Uru Hu” roughly translates to “civilisation closer” or “door closer”. The gift of awareness, to be able to sit back as a passenger and enjoy what’s going on around you, comes at the end of the movie. Nothing else to do now but enjoy our self-reflected consciousness in form. We have earned our rights to survival, having already risen to the top of the hierarchy.


When the seeking of knowledge and answers is no longer a priority in this upcoming age, there needs to be those who carry the essential truths. It is receptive beings who are going to be the new libraries and storehouses of information. It is why it is so important to liberate the right to fulfil their potential as resources for the future. The right will literally be the future’s version of the internet.    


This is truly a magnificent time. Not everybody gets to incarnate into form when there is going to be a shifting of the Global Cycle. Not everybody throughout history gets to witness such a transition being born on the cusp. When you understand these changes that are taking place, you have the privilege of understanding the context for such rapid global upheaval.

It is my perspective this brings a great deal of peace and surrender to living out one’s individual process. It is through being able to see the mechanics at work can we take a step back and for a moment, peek our heads through the sky and exhale, “wow, what a movie”. It certainly makes for an interesting one.   



Generators are the Holy Type


On Change