This is Simple

Your mind doesn’t want to believe it can be this easy. It doesn’t want to believe that the answer is always very simple, that it does not require you to cut off arms and limbs in order to make your life work. Because the mind loves complexity; it creates mountains out of molehills; problems out of nothing; stress for no point.

So it justifies and reasons with you and tells you “you have to do this because this is how the world works”. And you’re stupid enough to believe it, to believe any of the shit your mind tells you about yourself or your life. But it's not true. It has absolutely no idea what's good for you. It doesn't even know who you really are. It's makes you run around in circles and act a fool, fabricating your very own internal circus.

And the worst of it is, the whole world is in on it too. Everyone suffers their own version of the madhouse. Yet people think it's normal! Mental-decision making is normal! It's normal to be burnt out, overloaded, and burdened with the pressures of daily life. It's normal to be constantly pushing, to struggle and suffer through feeling enslaved to other people's demands, to somebody else's timeline.

Strategy and Authority is the most simplified life hack I’ve ever discovered. I mean, there is nothing else, there is no other strategy or means of protection. What else are you supposed to do? Go back to mental decision-making? Try to come up with a plan on how to survive your imagined future? What seriously is there else for your mind to do when life is already taken care of on the material plane?

You’re here to be yourself. That’s it. And this is not some new-age concept or trite remark. It’s practical. It's mechanical. It’s not mental. It has nothing to do with how or what you think about yourself. It’s not about you figuring it all out. It's not like you have to try hard to be you. It's the most effortless thing in the world; it's your natural state of being.

All you can do is embrace being a passenger. It all happens. Life runs itself. I don't do any of it. I'm just as helpless as you are. The sooner you surrender to your own helplessness, the sooner you see the simplicity of existing in a bioform. It's pretty neat if you ask me.


On Boredom


Individual Spirit