Big Penetrator Energy

When we talk about Type in Human Design, what we are really referring to is aura. The definition or lack thereof we have in our chart, based on both our design and personality calculations, determines which of the four aura Types we are. It is our aura which determines everything — it is the foundation for giving us the correct strategy for us to engage and interact with the world around us.


Projectors. We make up approximately 22% of the population. That’s a huge chunk of people on the planet; we’re the second most common aura Type. We are also the newest. For a short history lesson: Reflectors are the oldest Type along with Manifesting-Generators. Out of MG’s came the mutation of Generators and Manifestors. And then out of Manifestors, came the mutation of Projectors.


But Projectors, being the most recent Type to emerge, haven’t had much training at all on how to live our Type. We are non-energy beings in a world dominated by energy types. We barely have a reference point for what it would look like to truly live and embody living as a Projector. No, we’ve been conditioned since birth to be super-slaves to work, to overcommitting ourselves to everyone and everything, and then feeling that deep exhaustion in our bones at the thought of waking up and doing it all again the next day.


To be a Projector is deeply radical in the times we live in. It is the self-recognition of our boundaries, of our needs, of our worth and contribution. Everything about being a Projector is about a fair exchange. What is in it for me? Are they compensating me for my energy expenditure and guidance? Do they truly recognise me and are ready to hear what I have to say?


Projectors do not work for free. Heck, we aren’t even here to work period. We are not Generators, who are designed to use up all their energy in satisfying ways for their sacral centre to recharge when they go to sleep. Not so for Projectors. We don’t generate. We don’t manifest. If you go to sleep exhausted, you will wake up exhausted. A never-ending cycle that won’t ever let you catch a break.


Our value is in our ability to guide energy, our attention, our unique perspective, and our outer authority. It is imperative for Projectors to understand their role because it is only going to become more important as we close out the cycle of the Cross of Planning. We can’t have Projectors going around pretending to be something they’re not. We’re never going to escape the sour taste of bitterness when we try to fit into a mould that was never meant for us.


The aura of a Projector is very specific. It is focused, absorbing, and penetrating. We got Big Penetrator Energy going on. If you stand in a public place as a Projector and stare at somebody’s back, oh boy can they feel it. They can feel your laser beam aura on them and will turn around to that uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Try it if you’re a Projector. It’s weird.


The invitation is about consent. People don’t want to be penetrated like that without inviting you in first. Yeah, it all sounds very sexual and intruding. But it’s the best analogy because it’s true; if you have the attention of a Projector, they are literally locking in and grabbing hold of your G-centre, your identity, recognising your soul. Okay I’m being dramatic, but Projector recognition is intense. People got secrets they don’t want to share. You better not get close to a Projector because they will poke around and get it out of you.


We are here for the other. That’s the motto for Projectors: Who is the other? We are not here to be introspective; we will only get lost in it. We can’t see anything around us if we are so absorbed in our own process. We are here to see, and we see so much. Generators are here to Know Thyself. Let them do their thing but make sure you get out of your own trip.


One person at a time. If you’re a Projector and sit down to lunch with two Generators, you’re already fucked. You can’t focus on two people at once — your aura does not permit it. It can be very hard for Projectors to integrate into groups because we are so deeply personal; we're here for the intimate one-on-ones. This is where the magic of a Projector lies. We cannot recognise or be recognised when we are in groups. Doesn’t mean you have to avoid them altogether as a Projector, but you must understand that your aura will never be the open and enveloping nature of a Generator, who are perfectly designed for such group settings. We all have our limitations, and this is one of them.


You got to own your Big Penetrator Energy. You are going to stand out whether you like it or not; recognition is built into our aura. We’re the only Type that has a signature of “success”. To keep the sexual analogies going, a Projector friend told me that success is kind of like an extended-release orgasm. The sweetness of success feels really, really good. And it can only come when we are living as ourselves, when we recognise our value and in turn, it is recognised by others.

Life comes to you as a Projector. You don’t need to chase after anyone or anything. You just wait and see. And let me know what you find out.  


On Relationships


The Purge